One of my mommy duties is to spend quality time with my kids. Quality time is their love language and mine as well so it makes it pretty easy to accommodate them when they ask for it. My daughter likes for us to watch tween and teen shows on Netflix or Disney+ during our quality time. We just recently finished a series called MC2. It is about a group of teen girls who are secret agents. It was a cute show that was diverse in cast and each girl excelled in a different area. It showed that girls can be smart, strong, and stylish! It also emphasized the importance of friendship and having a village. As with many of these teeny bopper series, you can’t think too heavy into the plot because the holes will pop out at you, but overall a great message in each show.
Whenever the girls managed to get themselves out of danger, made a new discovery that put them closer to catching the culprit, or when they took down the bad guy they all burst into a loud chant of “Go Us!, Go Us!, Go Us!”. By the fourth episode it was a bit annoying, but then it hit me; they didn’t just celebrate at the end when the caught the criminal because that usually didn’t come until the of the season. They celebrated all the “little wins” in between that got them to the finish line.
This is something I don’t think we do enough in our lives. We get so focused on the end goal that we forget to pat ourselves on the back for the steps we took to get there. Your goal may be to spend an hour on your Divine Date. If your just starting out that can be very daunting. If you make it 15 minutes – celebrate! Celebrate, but don’t stop. Keep pushing yourself by 5 minutes every couple of days and you will eventually make it to your goal of one hour. You got this – Go You!, Go You!, Go You!