Hey there and thank you for stopping by Daily Divine Dates! This space is dedicated to helping you cultivate a more intimate relationship with God through structured daily communication with Him. Some folks call it quiet time, but I like to call it a Divine Date. Quiet time is easy to blow off if you oversleep or just plain don’t feel like it because the title doesn’t really speak to what you are missing. A date is something you look forward to. A date with the Divine is something you not only look forward to, but you treasure. It’s special. You wouldn’t want to miss a brunch date with friends or a date night with your significant other so don’t blow off your plans with God.

Need a little inspiration or encouragement? Need to know how to start your Daily Divine Date journey? Head over to the Blog section and you will find entries for all of that and much more. These are weekly posts that give you some things to ponder throughout your week that you can use during your Daily Divine Dates.
Looking for a new devotional or devotional products. Check out the DDD Shop! There is something there for everyone. Whether you are new to have Daily Divine Dates or you’re an old pro the DDD Shop has something to help you go deeper in your relationship with Christ.
DDD On The Go
Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you have to take a break from your Daily Divine Dates. It’s just as important to spend time with God when you’re away from home as it is when you are at home. I’ll give you tips and videos of how to keep your dates when you are on the go.