
It’s hard to go through life without forming relationships with other people. Whether it’s family, friends, co-workers, church members, it’s in our nature to want to form bonds and be connected to others. That’s because we were created in the image of God who is himself relational. He placed that desire inside of us so we could seek to be close to Him. He wants a relationship with us as He did with Adam and Eve. He wants to walk and talk with us in the cool of the garden.

We must make a choice. In fact, God requires us to make a choice which is why we were given free will. Will we seek a relationship with God or walk disconnected from the One who created our path? To build that relationship with God we need to spend time in His word daily. We need to make time to speak to Him and hear from Him. Make room for God.

Are you ready to deepen your relationship with God? Spend some time in reading scripture, praying, and listening to Him today. Do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day…you get it – lol!