Hey Y’all, I’m back!!! After my last post about being intentional, I needed to pause to ensure that was exactly what I was doing. I’m here, in this space, being intentional and doing what God has called me to do. During my time away God spoke a word to me that I want to share with you. It’s what He said to me as I was reading and meditating on Matthew 14: 22-33 (NKJV). I hope it blesses you as much as it did me.
I told you to go and you went. While on your way to your destination, you faced a challenge. I see you in the midst of it, and I am coming to you. Do not be afraid as I make My presence known. You are seeing Me do something new in your life. As you see Me in a new light, be bold and ask Me for what would seem to be the impossible. Now that you have requested it, don’t be surprised when I answer your request. Walk boldly through the doors I will open for you. Focus on Me and My voice. Don’t get distracted by the natural chaos around you. I have enveloped you with supernatural abilities as long as you focus on Me. Do not doubt the gifts I have given you because it doesn’t seem possible in the natural. If I called you to do it, I will see you through it so that the world will know who I am.